Informace pro maturanty v roce 2025 více
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Program výměnného programu Francie (3. A a 3. B)

Publikováno: 13. 3. 2014

24/03 AT SCHOOL Arrival : 4pm Official welcoming, and having a drink, visit of the school
5.15 leaving to the families  Dinner at the families ‘

25/03 AT SCHOOL Observing 2 lessons  Penfriends’ various works ( videos, sketches..) Lunch at  the school cafeteria
Saint Gilles Croix de vie : SNSM ( lifeboat) + the house of a fisherman  in the past+ a famous church + free time
4.55pm to the families by usual means of transport Dinner at the families ‘

26/03 Saint Jean de Monts Visit of a factory making typical bun ( brioche) and others Free time on the beach (games)
Lunch at the families’  Afternoon with penfriend Dinner at the families

27/03 La Rochelle
28/03 Salt works / marshes + le Gois (Noirmoutier) Lunch at  the school cafeteria
AT SCHOOL 12.30 – 2pm : rehearsal  2pm  Let’s act
4.55pm to the families by usual means of transport  Dinner at the families

29/03 With their penfriend and family

30/03 With their penfriend and family

31/03 Paris

01/04 Pardubice – afternoon

Přemysl Machatý

související: Informace k výměnnému pobytu…


  • Kontakt více
    • Gymnázium, Pardubice, Dašická 1083
    • 530 03 Pardubice, Česká republika.
    • telefon: 466 650 715
    • e-mail:

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