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Trip to Britain

Publikováno: 15. 9. 2016

Ve dnech 3. – 9. 2016 skupina našich 38 žáků pobývala v jižní Anglii. Navštívili jsme město Bath a jeho římské lázně,  zmokli jsme při prohlídce pozůstatků hradu Tintangel, užasli v botanickém projektu Eden s jeho tropickým a středomořským biomem, vzdorovali větru na západní výspě Británie Land´s End, zasnili se na romantickém ostrově s hradem St. Michael´s Mount, užili si procházku v městečkách St. Ives a Torquay, pobavila nás 4D pohádka a park s miniatuarami v Babbacombe, o prehistorii Cornwallu jsme se dozvěděli v jeskyních Kents Cavern.

Náš pobyt jsme ukončili projížďkou  rušného Londýna, kde jsem se neztratili ani v metru – a tak jsem se mohli projet i na největším ruském evropském kole London´s Eye. Díky pobytu v milých anglických rodinách v Plymouth, žáci zakusili anglickou kulturu a mohli si vyzkoušet své znalosti angličtiny v praxi. Ve znalostní soutěži během zpáteční cesty žáci prokázali, že se mnohé o Británii dozvěděli a zapamatovali, a sladkými cenami za nejsprávnější odpovědi byly odměněny Markéta Damborská, Magdalena Dinušová, Lada Marková a Rozálie Polášková. Nejvíce se žákům líbilo na západní výspě Británie Land´s End, v Londýně a na hradě Tintangel.

autor videa: Daniel Höbelt, 2.B

Jana Bílková, Šárka Höbeltová

Zde jsou autentické  zážitky účastníků našeho zájezdu:

Day 1, journey from Pardubice to Calais (David S., 2.A): Our journey began in Pardubice at 8 o´clock. After long and boring way we finally had and opportunity to go on toilet, fortunatelly they were free. Every 3,5 hours we stopped. Next stop was in Germany, later we continued through Belgium and France where we took a ferry to Dover. But before getting on the ferry, waiting for the passport control, we had to to watch the immigrants camp on fire surrounded by fully equipped policemans (joking here)

Day 2, Calais – Bath – Plymouth (Tereza T., Karolína H., 2.F): At about 1 a.m. we got on the ferryboat and spent there about 1,5 hours. Then we arrived in Bath where we walked round to see its sights (Roman baths, Museum of fashion and gothic cathedral). Finally, we had some free time to go shopping. In the evenintg we were finally welcome by our British family. We liked it but it was very long and tiresome day.

Day 3, castle Tintangel – project Eden (Lukáš D., Richard M., 2.A): We continued from Plymouth to the castle and then to the botanical garden. The trip to the castle was very good but project Eden was even better. In the castle there wasn´t much to see but in the greenhouses of the botanical garden there were great plants, huge waterfalls and very good fresh air. We loved it there.

Day 4, Land´s End – St. Micheal´s Mount – St. Ives (BerenikaK, Zora Ch., 2.B): The trip to St. Michael´s Mount was very interesting. I liked the castle itself because of its views but I really did fancy the way of getting to the castle. (You can take a boat during the high tide or walk along the cause just few centimetres above the sea during the low tide). The vision of you just coming to the castle in the wrong time is really dramatic. I know it sounds crazy and I know that it is crazy but it just feels so dramatic. I hope that I will return one day.

Day 5, Dartmoor Park, Exeter, Babbacombe miniture partk – Kents Cavern – Torquay (Natálka F., Kateřina K., 3.B): The first thing, Dartmoor park was a bad idea because we saw nothing in the foggy weather… Exeter was much better as w did some shopping and it was interesting, the bad thing was that we didn´t have much time to get around the city. Babbacomeb part was a very good experience, there was a large miniture village of some buildings and its tiny people. Next we went to the Cavern where we had a really cool guide called Chloe. She described it very well, so we enjoyed it. The last place was a town called Torqay where we had som free time so we took many photos there. (see our FCB:))

Day 6, London ( Sára Z. Emma H., 4.A): Our trip started in front of Hyde Park from where we continued to the Buckingham palace. Then we went to Trafalgar Square and Picadelly circus. Some of us used the undeground to get to the museum of wax figures Madame Tussauds . After the visit we went to Oxford street to shop but there were only shops with clothes so it was boring for us. Finally we saw the city of London from London´s Eye.

Our families:

Anna V. (6.B) – I stayed with a widowed lady and her cat and it was a real fun. We talked bout everything, she was really interested in our hobbies, families and life in the Czech Republic. We promised to each other to stay in touch.

Hana Š. (2.B)- We stayed in a family of a couple and their son. We did not talk with them a lot just in the evening after we returned from our trips. But we learn that his name is Rob and he is 17 and they are about 50. They didn´t have any pets just fish in the garden. We were five in the family and we enjoyed it.

Kristýna D. + Anežka B. (2.A)- Our family was very nice. In the family were 2 persons – mon and her eleven years old son. they have a dog called Missie. Host mom was very nice to us and she talked with us about our families and hobbies. We were so happy that we could be in England with them.


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  • Kontakt více
    • Gymnázium, Pardubice, Dašická 1083
    • 530 03 Pardubice, Česká republika.
    • telefon: 466 650 715
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