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Model parlamentu Organizace spojených národů

Publikováno: 27. 2. 2019

25th January I packed my bag and went on 3-day trip to Prague. Event that I was part of is called MUNYP or Model United Nations at University of New York in Prague and was centred around United Nations solving global problems. On Friday, we met our chairpersons and got familiar with the rules we went straight into our committee work. My committee was UNEP, which is focused on the environment and solving global warming, our problem to which we had to find solution, was Globalization and pollution in megacities. I was the delegate of “Luxembourg” and even though it´s not such a major country, I contributed to final resolution more than enough. Saturday was all-day committee work and there were very good arguments on side that liked the resolution as well as on side that did not. Anyway, both for many delegates (including me) and for chairpersons it was our first time session, and there was a lot of fun that we all enjoyed it very much. In the evening, we had a trip around Prague and then Glow-in the dark mini-golf. On Sunday, there was not much to do as we had finished our resolution, so we participated in some fun activities and said goodbyes to friends we made.

Overall, I really liked this event and would thank my English teacher Jana Bílková for introducing me to this event as well as my school that gladly supported it. I am looking forward to another year and hope it will be as good as this was.

Jan Tichý (5. A)


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    • 530 03 Pardubice, Česká republika.
    • telefon: 466 650 715
    • e-mail: info@gypce.cz

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